About Us

ATEL is an international acting company with approx. 20 years experience in the woodworking industry. Since launching, it was our aim to start a professional & specialized company in the wood processing and machine tool consultancy industry. We could successfully tie up strategic exclusive partnerships with internationally renowned machine manufacturers and producers of raw materials covering the entire woodworking and processing industry. Today, we have the best answer and the appropriate machinery for any industry that uses wood as its main raw material.

ATELs expertise is accessible for you right from project conception up to commercial production. The services we offer include machinery selection, plant layout designing, process planning, equipment erection, commissioning, training of human resources and anything else that is necessary for your wood working set-up. Our teams of engineers and technicians are thoroughly expert in their work. They are also available for consultancy, installation, testing, training and servicing of our products.

Our relationship with our clients at Atel does not end with product marketing. We also extend our services to you, our esteemed customers by offering you prompt and efficient after-sales-support. The after-sales-support division believes strongly in the customer satisfaction policy. We guarantee product quality, our global associates complete warranty services are fully available for our respected clients. This is why we gained the trust of numerous satisfied and successful customers.

Our aim is always to be the number one…

(C) 2007 ATEL international /Germany - All rights reserved

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